Our mission is to “Inspire Positivity in the Face of Adversity.” Life brings with it so many challenges – illness; injury; a relationship disappointment; a career low – so our goal is to create something uplifting and helpful in an online world that seems to breed negativity.
We aim to build a community of shared personal stories that INSPIRE each other. It’s about having a place to go that is always positive and supportive.
Gotta Make Lemonade™ is a destination that’s filled with ideas of how to take-on these challenges and overcome them with a positive attitude… as each person telling his or her story here has done.
When Samantha Harris and her husband, Michael, were going through her breast cancer diagnosis, Michael reminded her:
“Babe, when life gives you lemons you gotta make lemonade.” And so they did.
When Samantha went public with her cancer diagnosis, the tremendous support and encouragement from survivors she received through social media led her to want to give back in this way.
Together, Samantha and Michael have been building Gotta Make Lemonade™ and they will continue to make it grow.
We hope that YOU will share your story with us and all those who come to visit our site.
Together we all can make lemonade!